Noor Efendy


At the beginning of the occurrence of polygamy, it can be understood that polygamy does not come from any religion. Even the practice of polygamy existed before Religion became as widespread as it is today. However, nowadays the practice of polygamy is more identified with Islam so that polygamy is indirectly considered a product brought by Islam. The development of the times, as well as the ease of information that can be obtained through social media, the understanding of polygamy is getting out of line. Then, the language of polygamy is used only to satisfy mere human lusts coupled with the frills of following the rules of Religion. In order to keep the original meaning of polygamy, appropriate information is needed to be understood by the public. One way to provide information related to polygamy is by mentoring polygamy. With the mentoring of polygamy, it is hoped that it can provide correct information related to the practice of polygamy itself. The presence of polygamous and also paid mentoring classes has recently become a hot topic among the community. Of course, there will be pros and cons related to the mentoring which the existence of mentoring itself can cause its own problems in the community. An overview of the content of polygamy mentoring materials and conformity with applicable laws is the key to the success of paid polygamy mentoring.


Mentoring; Paid Polygamy; and Modern.

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